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Story Search Results for Ted Farnen

11/18/1999 - Leading lawmakers deny legislative push for tenure review:
Rep. Ted Farnen, D-Mexico, who chairs the House committee on higher education, said he has not seen an organized movement in the legislature to push the topic forward.
10/19/1999 - State legislators use interactive internet technology:
Co-chair of the committee Representative Ted Farnen says the technology saves a lot of money.
10/19/1999 - A committee used video phone conferencing for the first time Tuesday:
Committee Chairmen Ted Farnen, D-Mexico, said he was very impressed with the interactive system.
9/14/1999 - Joint committee to look into affects of term limits on Missouri government:
Committee co-chairman Rep. Ted Farnen says he thinks limits affect the balance of power.
9/14/1999 - Term limits shift balance of power, expert says:
"Term limits, whether you love them or hate them, are going to have a huge imapct on state government," said Rep. Ted Farnen, D-Mexico. Farnen, an opponent of term limits, chairs the committee.
4/07/1999 - Lawmakers want voters to reconsider on term limits.:
Rep. Ted Farnen, D-Mexico, is opposed to term limits. However, he abstained from voting on the proposal.
2/17/1999 - Curator legislation sees new life with provision:
The bill is sponsored by the House Higher Education Committee chairman, Ted Farnen, D-Mexico. Similar legislation made it through committee and the House last year, but failed in the Senate, Farnen said. The bill did not make it to the floor until the last day.
1/20/1999 - Carnahan's budget smile son UM System:
Rep. Ted Farnen, D-Mexico, said from what he thought MU had little to complain about.
1/20/1999 - Columbia Lawmakers Approve of Carnahan Speech:
"The governor's tax cuts benefit a lot of people and not just a narrow special interest," said Rep. Ted Farnen, D-Mexico.

9 stories found